jueves, 16 de junio de 2011

Who are the bad and the good?

I do not remember the first time that I see “Star Wars” but I love this Saga. This Saga includes six episodes and this great story was to create by George Lucas, who made it like a serie in firsthand. My Favorite episode is the third called “Revenge of the Sith”.
This story is about a fictitious galaxy, far far away, where many species and planets exist and who live in peace. But, like all stories, it always exists the battle between the forces f good and evil. In this galaxy, the good is represents by “Jedi knights” who conformed a select group of beings whit superlative powers that they is about “The Force” and the fact it is in everything and everywhere. This is like a religion that it is about every good feelings. On the other hand, the Siths represent the evil force, who are the rivals of the Jedis, and their aim is to exterminate the Jedi race. The Siths based their power in “The dark side of the force” and in bad feelings like hate and pain.

Furthermore of this religious face, this saga shows a historic dilemma, The Republic versus The Empire. You can see two ideologies totally opposite. In this galaxy there are many planets organized in a “Galactic senate” where it debates all problems in this galaxy of way diplomatic a democratic. But, this democratic model is interrupt by rebellion of the Siths, who took the command of the universe through “The Empire”.

The third element, very attractive in this film, is the special effects and fiction. This is a world where there are many great characters and incredible creatures. As well, it shows great space ships, robots, Laser sabers, etc. It is amazing!

The best in this film, “the third episode”, is that the battle between Jedis and Siths achieves a critical moment, when through the dialogues the spectator can reflect about who is the true evil and good. It is an extraordinary moment, a doubt few times see.
Below I show you a photograph of both rival sides.

May the Force be with you

viernes, 3 de junio de 2011

Siddharta Gautama…The Wise

I remember, when I was a child I hated reading, in the school learning was a obligation and this converted to the reading in a torture. I preferred to watch TV and to play with my friends.
The first book that I read it was “La Hormiguita Cantora y El Duende Melodía”. I do not remember what it was about but I know it appears a little world where it shows the adventures of bugs and mythological creatures in the garden of a house. This book was to write by Alicia Morel and it is a good book, but in this time I can not see the quality of this book and other books.
So, I growed up hating the books, until I finished the secondary. Then, I had more free time, and in my house there was a book that I had hear that it is a very good book and I decided read it. This book was Siddharta, that is about a young of middle east of Indian features that stars a travel of Illumination leaving all material objects. This story shows a very common tradition of India, where a person relinquish all and he lives like a beggar to search the pure knowledge and become him in a supernatural being. This book is very complex and it has a view point very philosophical. Despite of I hated to read, the complex of this book attract me and it motivate me to continue reading. This book was to write by Hermann Hesse and since this moment this book became in my favorite and Hermann Hesse in my favorite author because he had wrote other great work like “Demian” and “Narzis and Goldmund” among other.
Dedicate Great Buda.
This photo shows the moment of illumination of Buda.

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

Impossible Capture!

Since I was a child, I love the nature and I always dream with a big trip through my beautiful country.
Now, I made my dream and I capture all landscape in my trips. In the photo below appears the best known postcard of National Park Conguillio, Chile, Octava Region. In this photo appears Conguillio Lake, taken from Sierra Nevada, a very beautiful trail. It reminds me of a lot of good moments of my life.
I have a lot of photographs of this park, but, now I am not carrying any. However, I knew somebody who took more photos that me, and he publishes them on internet where all people can see. This guy is Caco, an amateur photographer who has a professional camera, very expensive. This photograph was taken in May 28, 2009.
I love this photograph because I feel like I was there. Walking between Araucarias and Lengas, smelling the aroma of dramp earth and flowers, hearing the sound of birds and bugs.
Someday, when I have money, I will buy a professional camera and I will take my own photograps. It will be my hobby. I will travel through all chile looking for the most beautiful landscapes in more hidden and remote places. Currently, I have a little camera, but it has saved me many times, especially, in my university, because I must take photographs to my patients in the clinic and although it is an old camera I had to learn to know it.
Well, remember that you can ask me for  all photographs that you want, I have many…only send me an e-mail and I will be delighted to send you some. These photos are fantastic as wallpapers.
Bye Bye.

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

I love sports!

Since I was a child, I played football with my friends in my neighborhood. I remember that my Dad was the coach of my kindergarten team and since this time I began to interest on sports.
Later, in the primary I continued playing football and other sports like volleyball, basketball, gymnastics, etc. Then, I wished that my parents enrolled me in a football´s school but they did not have the money to do it. However, I continued playing in my school every day in the breaks. Furthermore, I used to play after class, with all my classmates in the Salvador Park, the best of all, it was that we played with our school uniform and they ended up covered with mud.
When, I was 15, I began to interest in extreme games like skateboard, bike, surf, etc. In this time, these sports were trendy and all my friends practiced them. We liked to watch the X-Games on Fox Sports, it was amazing.
In the university, I used to go to The Universidad de Chile’s swimming pool. There, I improved my technique in butterfly stroke, back stroke, breaststroke.
The last activity that I did was football in the Facultad de Odontología’s Team. But unfortunately, I suffered a sprain in my right ankle. I had to rest for three weeks in my house and it was really painful.
Now, I am hoping to recover to comeback to play foot ball, I am eager. Let’s hope the time passes very fast.
When I am old and I have money, I want to parachute and to practice weekly!

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011

My work´s tool:

Since I was a child, I dreamed to get a computer. Everytime I watched the cartoons and I saw the computers in them I used to imagine that I got one.
Then, on December 25, 2009, my mother gave me a “Notebook Lenovo N500” and I was very happy this day.
My notebook is very easy to use, you must only push the “power” button and wait. When the screen is on, you can start using internet, Office, MSN, games, etc.
My notebook became my work`s tool, because I use it everyday to study, talk to my friends, do my homework and play.
I am not a fan of technology, but, I love my notebook because it makes my life easier and more efficient. Furthermore, it is a good machine, not very fast and it does not have much capacity , but it is enough for me. Its design is a very simple and it has keys with fast accessibility that let me drive the commands my way.
If I did not have my notebook, my routine would be crazy. I would not know how to study on time and I would not be able to know the information related to the university.

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

The best TV Show ever!

My favorite TV Show is Dr. House M.D.
This series is about Doctor Gregory House. He works in a Hospital of New Jersey, USA; and he directs a diagnose division in the hospital. In this division he and his team try to resolve the more difficult medical cases that nobody did not can to resolve. The particular of this story is the protagonist, who is a arrogant, insensitive, irreverent and brilliant person.
I love this story because I think that the “Dr. House” is  the more complex character that I see ever. His deduction and reasoning are really amazing, and this personality that it is the result of a life of pain, because he suffered a thrombosis in one of his legs. Then, he had lived since this time whit a lot pain and consuming medicament to relive pain; this became him in an addicted, that it alters his life and conscience.  All this makes a Dr. House in a complex character, and you don’t know that he will do, he always surprises you.
This series, and in particular, this character is a idol for me, he makes me wish to be like him. I would like to be a genius like him.
The truth is that I dream to be “Dr. House” xd.
Here there is an interview to “Hugh Laurie”, the actor behind “Dr. House” and how he achieve to pronounce like a American.
Enjoy it.

domingo, 24 de abril de 2011

Dr. Black

The person that I admire is Greene Vardiman Black.
He is known as one of the founders of modern Odontology in the world.
He was born in Winchester, Illinois on August 3, 1836; your parents were William and Mary Black. He grew up on a farm and since little he developed an interested in the natural world. When he was 17 years old, he began studying medicine with the help of his brother. Then he met to Dr. Speer, who taught him the practice of dentistry. Later he relocated to Jacksonville, Illinois and it was here that he began a successful career and research in the underdeveloped field of dentistry.
He is very important in the dentistry because he made the best composition of dental amalgams and he researched the cause of dental fluorosis. The coolest thing that he did it was that he was the first person to use nitrous oxide for extracting teeth without pain.
The most important knowledge that he gave to dentistry was The Black´s Classification of caries lesions, that it guide today the diagnosis and the treatment dental in all the world.
Here is a photograph of him.

viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

The music for me

I don`t remember the first time when I liked a song, but since I were a child I liked the music. When I listen to the melody of a song I like it, I feel each chord and how combine them. I never had liked to translate the songs and the truth I am not interested to do, because for me, the lyric in a song are part of the melody, the voice is a instrument more, for this, It is not necessary to understand the meaning of the lyrics.

A lot times, I disappoint me whit the meaning of the lyrics of songs I like them, because this lyrics are very stupid and they have not any importance.

The times were drawing on, and I preferred music in Spanish, because I always have hating anything to do with relate to USA especially its language.

I do not know because all people prefer music in English how its would be the only one in the world. There are a lot good bands in South America that they have not to envy to England or American bands. Furthermore, in Chile have very good bands too, that they are underestimating and I do not know why.

Do you can telling me why?

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Me and myself LOL

Hello classmate! In this, our first meeting, i want to tell who i am. My name is Juan Pablo, i have 23 years old and i live in Santiago de Chile. Actually, i study Odontology in the Universidad de Chile, i am in my 4 year. My hobbies are to play football, mount on bycicle and wathc my TV shows favourites. For example: Dr. House, Big Bang Theory, Prison break. Furthermore, i like the outdoor activities, as come as, to back pack, camping and trekking.
Ussualy, i work on summer, like that, i can to finance my expenses of university's materials, which are very expensive. But, for me. is not unpleasant to work on summer, because that make me feel fine.

To be continued...

See you