viernes, 3 de junio de 2011

Siddharta Gautama…The Wise

I remember, when I was a child I hated reading, in the school learning was a obligation and this converted to the reading in a torture. I preferred to watch TV and to play with my friends.
The first book that I read it was “La Hormiguita Cantora y El Duende Melodía”. I do not remember what it was about but I know it appears a little world where it shows the adventures of bugs and mythological creatures in the garden of a house. This book was to write by Alicia Morel and it is a good book, but in this time I can not see the quality of this book and other books.
So, I growed up hating the books, until I finished the secondary. Then, I had more free time, and in my house there was a book that I had hear that it is a very good book and I decided read it. This book was Siddharta, that is about a young of middle east of Indian features that stars a travel of Illumination leaving all material objects. This story shows a very common tradition of India, where a person relinquish all and he lives like a beggar to search the pure knowledge and become him in a supernatural being. This book is very complex and it has a view point very philosophical. Despite of I hated to read, the complex of this book attract me and it motivate me to continue reading. This book was to write by Hermann Hesse and since this moment this book became in my favorite and Hermann Hesse in my favorite author because he had wrote other great work like “Demian” and “Narzis and Goldmund” among other.
Dedicate Great Buda.
This photo shows the moment of illumination of Buda.

2 comentarios:

  1. I hate to read too but I like the books of Herman Hesse a lot :)

  2. It's a very complex book but taking the time to read it and understand it really worth it!
