domingo, 24 de abril de 2011

Dr. Black

The person that I admire is Greene Vardiman Black.
He is known as one of the founders of modern Odontology in the world.
He was born in Winchester, Illinois on August 3, 1836; your parents were William and Mary Black. He grew up on a farm and since little he developed an interested in the natural world. When he was 17 years old, he began studying medicine with the help of his brother. Then he met to Dr. Speer, who taught him the practice of dentistry. Later he relocated to Jacksonville, Illinois and it was here that he began a successful career and research in the underdeveloped field of dentistry.
He is very important in the dentistry because he made the best composition of dental amalgams and he researched the cause of dental fluorosis. The coolest thing that he did it was that he was the first person to use nitrous oxide for extracting teeth without pain.
The most important knowledge that he gave to dentistry was The Black´s Classification of caries lesions, that it guide today the diagnosis and the treatment dental in all the world.
Here is a photograph of him.

viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

The music for me

I don`t remember the first time when I liked a song, but since I were a child I liked the music. When I listen to the melody of a song I like it, I feel each chord and how combine them. I never had liked to translate the songs and the truth I am not interested to do, because for me, the lyric in a song are part of the melody, the voice is a instrument more, for this, It is not necessary to understand the meaning of the lyrics.

A lot times, I disappoint me whit the meaning of the lyrics of songs I like them, because this lyrics are very stupid and they have not any importance.

The times were drawing on, and I preferred music in Spanish, because I always have hating anything to do with relate to USA especially its language.

I do not know because all people prefer music in English how its would be the only one in the world. There are a lot good bands in South America that they have not to envy to England or American bands. Furthermore, in Chile have very good bands too, that they are underestimating and I do not know why.

Do you can telling me why?

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Me and myself LOL

Hello classmate! In this, our first meeting, i want to tell who i am. My name is Juan Pablo, i have 23 years old and i live in Santiago de Chile. Actually, i study Odontology in the Universidad de Chile, i am in my 4 year. My hobbies are to play football, mount on bycicle and wathc my TV shows favourites. For example: Dr. House, Big Bang Theory, Prison break. Furthermore, i like the outdoor activities, as come as, to back pack, camping and trekking.
Ussualy, i work on summer, like that, i can to finance my expenses of university's materials, which are very expensive. But, for me. is not unpleasant to work on summer, because that make me feel fine.

To be continued...

See you